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Are you having HR problems?
Do your staff need a good laugh?

Comic Relief is a specialist in communication workshops that not only work but are fun. Since last century Comic Relief has been solving conflicts in the work environment. How do we do it?

We use improv comedy techniques and a combination of creative lateral thinking and listening exercises that develop communication skills, spontaneity, teamwork, leadership and laughs!

Our professional trainers will teach your staff a new approach to working and thinking as a team. We pride ourselves in being able to invigorate your workforce with a positive enthusiasm that you would never have thought possible. Your staff will become confident communicators who are open and responsive to new ideas and client needs. Our workshops will demonstrate to them in a totally hands on way, what working as part of a team really means.
Through a series of practical, fun, performance exercises Comic Relief will teach you staff how to listen, respond and work with others in a dynamic team environment. How to think beyond the square. A positive work environment improves productivity.
A sales force open to new approaches and ideas is a flexible one.
Does your organization have friction caused by personality clashes, workers resentment, or unpopular management decisions? If so then you need Comic Relief. The barriers between departments and management will be removed, warring factions will meet and sow the seeds for understanding.
Sounds like we’re shooting for the moon? Well we’re not! - It’s what we do.
We bring people together. Show them a good time, remind them that they are part of a team that is shooting for goals. At the end of the day they’ll know they’ve created something valuable and learnt something new. And they’ll be raving about it for months to come! So if you have problems call us. If you don’t and just want to give your staff a good time call us.
”A little laughter can cure everything” Gandhi
“A brilliant mind in panic is a wonderful thing to see” Carl Rainier

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